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product development

Innovation reliably delivered

Building the right product is hard. Technology-driven transformations are risky. At Leapfrog, we use modern methods to systematically produce products and technology that win.

We design and develop by learning about your business and technology needs, validating the riskiest assumptions upfront, and rapidly launching and refining until we succeed together. In our experience, this approach helps produce digital products and solutions that are viable and scalable.

In workspace, One employee works on a laptop while another guides, creating innovative solutions collaboratively.

Innovation that just gets better

In today’s world, markets and technology are changing at an accelerated pace, and innovation doesn’t have a finish line. Whether you’re a startup that wants to conquer the world, or an enterprise that needs to adapt, we harness the best of iterative processes, emerging technology, and data to navigate to success.

Keep learning

We believe every innovation cycle begins with better understanding your business, its goals, and your users’ problems. We use techniques that allow us to identify, design, and validate solutions as quickly as possible.

Build faster

We leverage the best of modern engineering practices and cloud services to move fast without breaking things. Our goal is to hypothesize and build new things that always work as expected, and that are ready to adapt and scale.

Measure everything

We crave available and immediate feedback for everything we deliver together. That feedback is the compass that lets us know what’s working, what’s not, and where to go next. We employ tools and tech that foster a culture of always moving the right direction.

How we work together

When we design, diagram, and plan well the right code falls out of our fingers naturally. That's why we don't jump into coding immediately without discovery.

Illustration of our teamwork across various stages: Discover, build and excel incrementally, and Iterate

Discovery & Design

Uncovering the right product to build, or technology to employ is an experience-driven art and science. Your product discovery comes with a proven mix of design, architecture, product management, and analysis to test and validate new ideas. The output is a blueprint on why, what, and how to build. A Proof of Concept can also be part of the output when relevant.


We outline an ideal initial journey, and then plot waypoints along that path we deliver towards. After each milestone, we reassess our progress, change directions and scope as needed, and embark with reinforced confidence.   


Most often, the launch of a new offering or solution is just the beginning. We assemble a delivery team with the expertise and capacity to move at the speed and direction that’s best for your business. We adjust the team’s size and composition as your needs evolve.

Skills at a glance

We support a breadth of technologies, best practices, use cases, and industries. Here are some of them.

Software Development

Crafting tailored software solutions aligned with your vision, driving efficiency and innovation through precise coding.

Software Testing & QA

Ensuring impeccable software quality through rigorous testing, assuring reliability and user satisfaction with every release.

Infrastructure & DevOps

Building robust foundations and agile workflows for scalability and security while embracing continuous development methodologies.

Mobile and Web Development

Creating seamless digital journeys with user-centric design, marrying aesthetics and functionality for unparalleled cross-platform experiences.

Data Science and Machine Learning

Unveiling insights from complex data landscapes, empowering strategic decisions and breakthroughs through advanced analytics and machine learning.

Blockchain Consulting

Guiding exploration of blockchain's secure potential, integrating transparency and trust into transformative initiatives.

Big Data & BI

Transforming raw data into strategic assets, leveraging big data and business intelligence to illuminate paths for growth and success.

Internet of Things

Forging interconnected smart ecosystems, reshaping industries and daily life through infused intelligence and connectivity.

UX and UI Design

Envisioning and crafting intuitive user experiences, where artistic UI meets seamless functionality, elevating brand value and user engagement.

Three employees looking straight at the camera.

a partnership like no other

Here's what sets us apart

Launching new tech is always hard, but it can at least be straightforward. We prioritize adaptability over lock-in, transparency, and consistent delivery and feedback. We make sure that at all times we have a shared understanding of where we're going, how far we are, what's in our way, and how we're doing.

We excel in crafting various AI solutions. Collaborating with us ensures top-tier quality and unwavering commitment to deliver the best.


Join forces with your customers to build defensible products

The success of your product lies in the hands of your target users. So, why leave them out of your product development journey?

Product management playbook