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ai & data

Fuel growth with AI-powered, data-driven experiences

Elevate your business with tailored data-driven experiences.

We harness the potential of data and Artificial Intelligence, including the cutting-edge capabilities of Generative AI, to drive innovation, insights, and growth. With our expert team and comprehensive services, spanning data engineering, advanced analytics, and AI/ML solutions, we unlock the hidden value in your data.

Three data engineers working together with two laptops on AI/ML solutions.

Forged with AI (and human) superpowers

Engineering, analytics, and AI integration for informed business growth and operational excellence

Data Engineering

We integrate systems, ingest & transform data, and ensure seamless management. Expertise in Data Lakes, Pipelines, and Warehouse. Home grown, open source, or cloud native.

Analytics and Data Science

Unlock insights with our analytics pipeline. From descriptive to predictive analytics, our tools drive growth.


Our team excels in Computer Vision, NLP, Recommendation Systems, and generative AI. With tools like LangChain, we deploy at business speed.


From data prep to model deployment, we support AI-driven solutions that are stable, continuously improve, and enable new experiences.

Artificial intelligence just got real

We excel in building applied data, AI, and LLM solutions. From computer vision, to recommendation engines, conversational and Generative AI, or just really insightful dashboards - we have you covered.

End-to-End expertise

From data collection and data engineering, and from model development to model deployment, we offer end-to-end expertise in ML/AI/LLM, simplifying the entire process and ensuring seamless integration into your operations..

Tailored ML/AI/LLM solutions

Leverage our seasoned team of Machine Learning experts and Data Scientists to curate and tailor models, or craft bespoke ML/AI/LLM solutions unique to your business challenges. We understand that every business has distinct requirements and datasets, and our expertise lies in designing AI solutions that precisely align with your business objectives.

Seamless deployment

We assist you in taking your validated model and seamlessly building automated and scalable deployment, monitoring, analysis, and continuous training capabilities. Your solution gets better as people use it and we feed data to it.

Why choose us to master your data?

We don’t create data solutions to just be smart, rather we seek solutions that are insightful, useful, and engaging. We’ve helped create winning data and AI solutions across healthcare, social networking, EdTech and more.

Actually innovate

The AI and data landscapes change quickly. We pride ourselves in picking the right emerging techniques and tools to solve your innovation challenges with the data that you have..

Move fast and securely

Data is gold - but in many industries it’s also a risk. We prioritize compliant security and privacy. Our ML/AI solutions are built with robust measures to protect your sensitive information and your user’s rights to privacy.

Start small, and continuously improve

We get to know your business, your data, and then we quickly build POCs to discover the right solution to your problem. We build the MVP, measure feedback and utility, and rapidly iterate until it’s perfect.

Tools & technologies

In a fast-paced world, rapid AI solutions matter. We value skilled teams and cutting-edge tools. Our expertise maximizes AI's potential for your business success.

Data Engineering

Relational Database

MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres, MySQL

Analytic Database

Snowflake, Redshift, Oracle ADW

NoSQL Database

MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Amazon Neptune

Programming Language

Python, R, Spark/PySpark, Bash Scripting

Data Engineering Platforms / ETL Tools/Pipeline Orchestration

AWS Glue, AWS Lambda, Azure DataFactory, TimeXtender, SSIS, Pentaho, Talend, ODI dbt, Airflow, Databricks

Streaming Data

AWS Kinesis, Kafka

Analytics & BI

BI/Analytics Tools

Power BI, Tableau, Looker, AWS Quicksight, Grafana, IBM Cognos, Oracle Analytics, Microstrategy, SSAS

Reporting Tools

SSRS, Oracle Analytics Publisher, Metabase

Python Libraries

Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn


MLOps Platforms

MLFLow, Neptune, Kedro, AWS Sagemaker

Experiment Tracking

Weights and Biases

Data/Model Version Control / Model Registry


Hyperparameter Tuning


Monitoring / Drift Detection

ELK Stack (Cloudwatch Logs, ElasticSearch, Kibana), Prometheus

Model Service / Inference

REST API (Flask), API Gateway

Machine Learning


  • Traditional Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Recommendation Systems
  • Time Series
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Python Libraries/Frameworks

scikit-learn, pytorch, tensorflow, keras, MLLib (PySpark), AutoML

Computer Vision

OpenCV, YOLO, DarkNet, CVAT (for Image Data Annotation)

NLP Libraries

NLTK, GPT models

Data/Web Scraping

BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, requests

Generative AI & LLM’s


  • Model/Prompt Parsing
  • Embeddings, Vectorstores/Vector Databases
  • Context Retrieval
  • Conversational Memory
  • Chain of Thought Reasoning
  • Chaining Prompts
  • Fine-Tuning
  • Model Evaluation


GPT (GPT3, GPT3.5, GPT4), Llama 2

LLM Frameworks


Vector Database


Other General Tools


AWS, Azure


Docker, Kubernetes



the lean ai playbook

Ready to take your next leap in AI?

Learn from the real practices and scenarios to quickly and repeatedly deliver impactful AI-driven products and features.

The Lean AI Playbook